Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years Baby Enters Life as Bohemian

Isn't that what we would call a home birth? "Unconventional"? It shouldn't be, but home birth is still considered as far flung from normal, especially in the Midwest, as one can get, so I was elated to read today's local headline! Abby my oldest was born at home in Oregon and number two would have been if Minnesota afforded the expertise of midwives any reign. Heck, I couldn't even reign one in within any reasonable distance. Which makes me wonder where the one mentioned springs from. Well, happy to hear of it, and in a terrific article and by golly if there wasn't a bit of a nod to breastfeeding right below. Advocacy for children? A swell start to the New Year. We are all about that at The Bohemian.

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